Yeats Day Birthday Picnic

Come and join us at Thoor Ballylee, the former Galway home of W. B. Yeats, on #YeatsDay from 1pm this Thursday 13 June as we celebrate the 159th birthday of our national poet.

Every year on this day we gather for our annual Poets Picnic, remembering old friends and making new ones over food and verse aplenty.

There is always plenty of good food and company, but do bring your own picnic and rug (or in case of bad weather we will gather by the cottage fire!).

Come along and read your favourite poem over lunch, climb the winding stair, linger in the rooms where Yeats wrote some of his finest poetry, write a verse or two yourself in the blue room or stand on the battlements and read a poem to the winds.

View our permanent exhibitions about Yeats’s life and work, and our current exhibitions of contemporary textile banners, inspired by Yeats sisters’ Dun Emer Guild – and this year even enjoy an exclusive painting demonstration by Sligo artist, Aileen O Donnell.

We look forward to welcoming you all from 1pm Thursday 13 June.

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